Monday, July 7, 2008

County Fair Time (Can you smell the Pronto Pups?)

4-Hers, it is county fair time!! The County Fair dog show is this Saturday and don't forget, it will start EARLY!!! We will be there to set up the rings starting at 7AM! Yes, I said 7 AM!!! The show will start at 8 AM. The reason for the early start is that we will be out on the basketball court and there is minimal shade and it gets hot fast! The good news is that we will be done by noon and you will be free to enjoy the other sights and sounds of the fair. Just remember to be respectful and not take your dogs into the areas where they are not allowed. After county fair, we will take a break from our Monday training sessions. We will resume practices on August 11 to prepare for State Fair. Those training sessions will be only for those kids who have qualified to compete at State Fair. Thanks for all your hard work in the project thus far:)